Compare MotionView™ Versions of Video Analysis Software

Make the best choice by comparing the features offered!

MotionView Video Analysis Software Feature Comparison
2 simultaneous video players (split screen video analysis)
Live video capture from up to 2 HDMI, USB, or GigE cameras
Live video capture speeds up to 60 FPS
Realtime compression during video capture
Support for .AVI, .MOV, .3GP video files
Automatic video file conversion to .AVI from most other formats
Video import from USB memory sticks
Editable CAD-style drawing tools
Stopwatch timer
Video recording timer
AutoSeek - Automatically seek to the last few seconds
Slow motion/reverse motion/AutoReverse motion during playback
Still shot picture comparison (load JPGs)
Frame doubling (60 FPS NTSC, 50 FPS PAL)
Transparent video overlay
AVI video trimming
Still shot export with drawings/printing
Wireless remote support
Electronic documentation
12 simultaneous players (12 screen video analysis)
Live video capture speeds up to 500 FPS
Live video capture from up to 8 Firewire, HDMI, USB, or GIGE cameras
Graphical project manager with video preview and search
Integrated Dropbox, GoogleDrive, and OneDrive support
Thumbnail shortcuts with Forward/Backward/History
12 screen still shot Export/Printing with drawings
Automatic film strip display of 1 or 2 videos (1x4, 1x8, or 2x4)
Speed, distance, and RPM measurement
Time shifting (delayed live video)
AutoPlay - Automatically play newly captured or opened files
AutoRecord - Automatically sequence between Capture/Playback
Audio Trigger - Automatically stops recording upon audible queue
Marker detection and path tracing
Use drawing tools on live video
Drawings can appear and vanish based on video position
Video rotation and embedded drawings during export
High definition instructional video creator (voice-over)
Face capture during instructional videos
Online lesson sharing via the cloud
Video strobe effect
Undockable microplayers for unlimited screen layouts
Lifetime USB license option

Compare MotionView™ to Dartfish™ and other Video Analysis Software Products

The following comparison is based on websites, customer statements, and descriptions of various competing products gathered from multiple sources. This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge but is not guaranteed. A blank field indicates that information was not available to us as to whether the feature exists in the product or not. You are encouraged to verify the information provided here directly with the various software providers. Dartfishâ„¢ and other product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

MotionView Elite™
Sports Motion
Standard ™
Sports Motion
DV Video Capture
Drawing Tools
Slow Motion Playback
60 FPS Deinterlacing
Zoom and Pan
720x480 Video
DV Camera Controls
Filmstrip Display
Picture Export
Side-by-Side Compare
Audio Triggering
Timer Based Recording
Video Export
Multi-Video Merging
Student File Managert
Dual Camera Capture
Eight Camera Capture
Twelve Slot Video Analysis
Time Deferred Live Video
Hands Free Operation
Voice-Over Lesson Creator

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